Friday, March 25, 2005


I’m lying on the couch in my living room, feeling sluggish and lethargic and thinking about taking a nap. It’s a still, warm day, all is quiet. Nothing of interest is happening, no one is around, and the only question in the universe is “Should I take a nap now?”

I realise, as you sometimes do, that I’m actually still asleep, that morning is approaching, and I’m having a dream about whether to wake up or remain asleep. In the dream, on the couch, I know this is an important discovery. I am gripped by the instant knowledge that if I succeed, if I fall asleep while already asleep, if I dream while already dreaming, that in some way I will open new frontiers of consciousness, new powers of the mind, new ways to manipulate time and reality.

I remember that this is not a completely new concept and that the phrase “a dream within a dream” is not totally unknown up to this point. But the feeling that everything can be accomplished, that IT can be done, that vast untapped reservoirs of power and knowledge are hidden just behind this invisible barrier, is inescapable, and raises goosebumps all over my flesh.


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